Focus Group | The Art of Marriage Spring '25
April 11–12, 2025
At Mountain Park, we are passionate about healthy, God-centered marriages. Marriage Mondays offers a welcoming community for you to grow in Christ and thrive in your marriage. We offer multiple ways for you and your spouse to deepen your relationship. Re|engage and Reinforce are designed to equip you with important tools to navigate the ups and downs of marriage. The Smart Stepfamily provides practical, realistic solutions to the issues you face as a stepfamily. Our Premarital focus group is for couples who are engaged or recently wed and want to strengthen their marriage from the very beginning. We offer two sessions, Fall (August Start) and Spring (January start). All classes are on Monday nights and childcare is available. God can make a difference in your marriage, and we’re excited to walk alongside you in that journey!
Re|Engage is 14 weeks of dedicated time to work on your marriage relationship and grow in your faith. Whether you feel totally broken, you’re struggling to get along, or you’re doing great and want to keep growing with your spouse, this is a place of hope. Each Monday will consist of a large group, where you will hear testimonies and stories of encouragement, and small groups, where you will build relationships and share your weekly homework. You will discuss topics like grace, forgiveness, communication, intimacy, and more. We hope you choose to join us – God always shows up in big ways! There is a class materials fee of $59 per couple. Limited Scholarships are available.
Leaders: Peggi & Greg LaMonica
The decision to marry is one of the most important choices we make in life. Our desire is to help you prepare for a marriage that will glorify God and that you will enjoy for a lifetime. Whether you’re simply dating, considering marriage, or already engaged, this class is designed to help you grow in your relationship. Through group conversations, the Prepare & Enrich assessment, and exercises from Preparing For Marriage, you will leave with new communication tools and a better understanding of yourself and one another. This class is for couples who are entering into marriage for the first time. Mountain Park Church
Leaders: Jon & Janelle Kappes
When stepfamily life gets tough, remaining dedicated to your commitment is a day-to-day decision. In The Smart Stepfamily, leading expert Ron L. Deal reveals the seven fundamental steps to blended family success and provides practical, realistic solutions to the issues you face as a stepfamily. Whether married or soon-to-be married, you’ll discover how to communicate effectively and solve the everyday puzzles of stepchildren relationships.
Leaders: Joe & Jenifer Trasser
Reinforce – How We Love is a marriage enrichment program, designed to build upon key principles learned in ReEngage. Couples will be introduced to new tools and weekly action steps to create new habits in pursuit of a Christ-centered marriage. Classes will include large group teaching as well as couple and small group activities that will spark biblically-centered discussions and encourage couples toward a grace-filled, Christ-centered marriage.
A Weekend Marriage Enrichment Class (Open to Engaged, Seriously dating and Married Couples)
Leaders: Peggi & Greg LaMonica, Wendy & Mo Fitzgerald
DivorceCare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you. The group is led by Christians who understand what you are going through and want to help. You’ll learn new skills and tools to help you deal with the pain of the past and look forward to rebuilding your life.
This class offers hope and strategies gleaned from personal experience and Scripture that really work. Reinforce – Vertical Marriage will give you the insight, applications, and inspiration to transform your marriage into everything you hoped it would be. The class fee covers all materials needed.
Leaders: Peggi & Greg LaMonica
Not sure where to start? Interested in getting married at Mountain Park or by a Mountain Park pastor? Please use the button below to contact us.
If you’re unsure how to resolve or navigate the season your marriage is currently in, please know that you’re not alone. Please contact us by email below.